This page is dedicated to the founders of the Clan and those who have sustained their work who have passed on but made an impact on our lives and heritage. May they rest in peace. 

Our Departed Founders

From left: A. Murray Nicolson (Concord, MA, USA), John Nicolson (Cuidreach, Skye, Scotland), Burke Nicholson (Atlanta, GA, USA), Chief Iain MacNeacail of MacNeacail and Scorrybreac (Ballina, NSW, AUS), C.B. Harman Nicolson (Atlanta, GA, USA)

In memory of those who gave tirelessly to establish,
sustain and preserve our Clan MacNicol heritage


Iain MacNeacail

Iain MacNeacail of
MacNeacail & Scorrybreac
Chief of Clan MacNeacail

Burke Nicholson

Hammond Burke Nicholson
Baron of Balvenie
Chieftain in Clan MacNicol
Chairman, the Highland
Clan MacNeacail Federation
Read Burke's Memoirs

CB Harman Nicholson

C.B. Harman Nicholson
Baron of Balvenie
Chieftain in Clan MacNicol
Chairman, the Highland Clan MacNeacail Federation


Murdo Nicolson

Murdo Nicolson, BEM
Caretaker of the Scorrybreac Lands

John Hurt Nicholson

John Hurt Nicholson
Clan MacNicol Society of North America

Richard Nicoll

Richard Nicoll
Vice-President and Treasurer
Clan MacNicol Society of North America


Dr. Alexander Murray Nicolson

Dr. Alexander Murray Nicolson
Chieftain in Clan MacNicol
High Commissioner for the Americas

Granite Crest


Jeremy Nicholson

Jeremy Duncan Nicholson
Baron of Balvenie
Chieftain in Clan MacNicol
Chairman, the Highland  Clan MacNeacail Federation