Join Clan MacNicol Australia, Inc. (online application)
Any person bearing the name MacNicol in any of its various forms and spellings or any Sept name of Clan MacNicol including the spouse or descendent of such person. Any person wishing, for loyal reasons, to become a member of the Clan.
- To recognize and support the Chief of Clan MacNicol of the Highland Clan MacNeacail.
- To establish, maintain and foster contact with other Clan MacNicol organisations throughout the world.
- To inform members of Clan MacNicol about Scottish history and heritage.
- To foster good works and charitable activities related to our Scottish ancestry.
- To encourage participation of Scottish activities.
- To manage funds and improve assets for the benefit of Clan MacNicol Australia.
Annual family membership costs are $25.00 with a first time filing fee of $5.00. Individual membership costs $20.00 with a first time filing fee of $5.00.
To join, please click the link for the online application above or the mail in form below to download and set up payment for your membership. Then, click the "Apply" button above to fill out the membership application for future access to private areas of the website.
By Mail: Simply print out and fill in the payment information form, attach your cheque payable to Clan MacNicol Australia, Inc for one year of membership, and post it to:
Clan MacNicol Australia Inc, Membership, 35 Maccallum Circuit, Florey, ACT 2615. Notify the CMAI of the payment at: [email protected]
By Direct Deposit: Make payments to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, BSB: 064 173 Account No. 10239854
When paying by direct deposit, please email details and full name to: [email protected]
Once you have submitted your application and payment has been received from your bank, you will be granted access to the membership areas of the website. Contact the membership officer for activation