Clan and Scottish Genealogy Sites
- The Family History Books Site - Nicholson Search - Pages of books and papers relating to dozens of MacNicol / Nicolson familes. Some of these books are restricted and require membership to the site, but the rest of the documents are available for download!
- The Family History Books Site - MacNicol Search
- The Family History Books Site - Nicolson Search
- The Family History Books Site - Nicol(s) / Nichol(s) Search
- The Nicholson’s of Spryfield, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Guy Mc Nicoll is a Clan member who has spent several years reseraching the descendents of Duncan and Kathrine McNicoll
- Bill Lawson is a genealogist specializing in family history research in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.
- Skye Roots --Website for Norma MacLeod, a genealogist specializing in research on the Isle of Skye, the MacLeod main homeland.
- Skye Kin -- Website for Marjorie MacInnes, another genealogy specialist ready to assist you in research on the Isle of Skye.
- GENUKI -- the central website providing links to all archives and research centers in the United Kingdom.
- The Scottish Genealogy Society--the genealogical membership organization for Scottish genealogical research
- Scotland's People--the section of the GRO devoted to assisting Scottish genealogical research
- Scotland's Family - A Scottish genealogy portal designed to help you explore your Scottish family tree. The aim is to point you to free on-line data and information in diverse Scotland family history records, wherever you live in the world
- Electric Scotland --Website with links to Helen Payne Odom Library in Moultrie, GA
- The Ancestry of the MacLeods Reconsidered - An article by W.D.H. Sellar
- Clan Donald Heritage Site - Given the relationship our Clan held with Clan Donald for centuries, there is much to be learned here historically.
General Genealogy Sites
- United Kingdom Armed Forces and Conflict Records --Access up to 38 military and service record datasets spanning from 1656-2005
- United Kingdom Census, Land & Survey Records - The UK census from 1841-1911
- BMD Registers: The Official Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Service - The official Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Register for the UK, including overseas records. Non-Conformists were considered Methodists, Wesleyans, Baptists, Independents, Protestant Dissenters, Congregationalist, Presbyterians, Unitarians, Quakers (Society of Friends), Dissenters and Russian Orthodox. This site is linked to The National Archives. Searching is for free. However to view the document a fee is required.
- Library and Archives of Canada– Genealogy and Family History
- CoraWeb for Genealogists– Australian Genealogist website
- - A My Heritage company
- US GenWeb Project - 25 years genealogy resources by US State
- RootsWeb - Worlds largest online genealogy community
- - Genealogical research originally posted in GenForum
- Access Genealogy - Fairly comprehensive list of cemeteries, genealogies, military records, yearbooks and DNA in the US
- My Heritage – A comprehensive web based tool for researching your family tree
- One Great Family – Finds your family tree for you in the work submitted by others linked into one of the world's largest collaborative online family trees
- – One of the most advanced genealogical research sites in the world
- – A leader in online family history with over 18 million registered members worldwide and records going back to 1200.
- – This page is devoted to helping you locate information on family history, information about immigration records, census records, historical accounts, in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th century in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Germany. Ancestry genealogical records search resources
- Family Tree Search– The world’s largest collection of genealogical information
- International Genealogical Index (IGI) - Includes personal family information submitted to LDS and vital church records from early 1500s to 1885
- Family History Wiki - Lots of good information including news, articles, tips, research tools, country, region and individual parish descriptions
- Find My Past - A pay as you go service with access to worldwide records
- Fold3 - Discover your family's Military Past
- – United States
- – Canada
- – United Kingdom
- – Australia
- – New Zealand
Ship Lists
- New Zealand Ship Listings - Immigrant Ship manifests
- The Ships List – A master listing of Ships and their passengers
Obituaries and Cemeteries
- Obituary Daily Times - An index of published obituaries
- Genealogy Bank- Recent Obituaries
- Legacy- Find obituaries and other records for family members
- ObitFinder - Searches obituaries from more than 800 national & international newspapers and the U.S. Social Security Death Index to provide the most accurate and timely obituary information available. The newspaper obituary information in ObitFinder™ is updated daily, and searches obituaries dating as early as February, 2001. The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) data used on this site dates back to January 1, 1937, and is updated weekly.
- Find A Grave - World's largest gravesite collection
- Australian Cemeteries Listing - A searchable data base for all cemetery inscriptions
- Australian Cemeteries - A cemetery location search
- Canada Cemetery Project – A comprehensive cemetery list from
- Canadian Obituary & Cemetery Listing– By FamilySearch
- New Zealand Cemetery Listing– By FamilySearch
- Christchurch Cemetery Listing– Contains cemetery databases for the North and South Island
- Scotland Cemetery Listing – An starting point but lacks most of the districts
- US Department of Veteran Affairs National Cemeteries- A complete list of National Veterans Cemeteries
Other Lists
Automated Translators
Professional Publications