The Clan MacNicol Society is a North American organization established to promote and preserve the history, heritage and awareness of those persons with a connection to the extended family of MacNicol, Nicol and Nicolson. The North American Society is a member of the Clan MacNicol Federation, an organization commissioned to unite Clan MacNicol societies around the world under the leadership of the recognized Clan Chief, John MacNeacail of MacNeacail and Scorrybreac.
The Society does more than preserve history. It actively promotes, fosters and encourages family spirit among its members around the world through social network associations and friendship through Clan gatherings and special events such as local Highland Games.
The Clan MacNicol Society is dedicated to informing and educating members about Clan history and culture. The Society also serves as a repository of information on genealogy and DNA research to assist members and site visitors with ancestral stories and leads which they may not find on other genealogical web sites.
The Society participates in Highland games across North America. The main purpose of this activity is to promote the Clan, Scottish culture and to have fun. To illustrate our dedication to preserving our heritage, the Clan has successfully raised funds to purchase and maintain the traditional Clan lands in Portree, Scotland on the Isle of Skye as a lasting monument to the Clan for future generations to enjoy.